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Antology 101: How Ant Colonies are Revolutionizing Digital Health Development


Ever wondered what ants and React Native have in common? Join Jacob Sunol as he takes you on an extraordinary journey that bridges the natural world with the realm of digital health technology. Learn how the intricate social structures of ant colonies can offer invaluable insights into team building, specialization, and communication in React Native digital health projects. This talk will explore the fascinating world of ants as superorganisms and how their principles can be applied to create more efficient, sustainable, and adaptable digital health solutions. Whether you’re a developer, a healthcare professional, or simply someone intrigued by the intersection of nature and technology, this presentation offers a fresh perspective that will leave you buzzing with new ideas! Don’t miss this unique opportunity to discover how we can learn from nature to improve digital health outcomes. See you there!

Speakers Bios

Speaker Bio

X: @jasuca Github: @jasuca

Jacob Suñol has dedicated their career to revolutionizing digital health, spanning pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and health-tech startups, all while emphasizing technology-driven solutions for enhanced patient outcomes. Their expertise covers oncology, neuroscience, rare diseases, and diabetes. Outside the professional sphere, Jacob is a passionate tech enthusiast, continuously exploring new programming languages and the latest in AI. With a dual background in computer science and anthropology, they bring a unique perspective to product development, marrying technological prowess with deep insights into human behaviors. Always eager for collaboration, they actively seek connections to jointly pave the way for the future of digital health.



Jacob Suñol

Jacob Suñol

Jacob Suñol

Date originally presented


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